Every year I do a 30 Day Detox plan after the holidays to get rid of the body of toxins and sugar being the main issue. It's a simple plan that I have learned years ago and it has benefited me to weight loss and getting my energy levels back up with mental clarity.

There are so many health benefits to 30-day detox plans and it helps me most with my health problem. I will share with you what I eat, the vitamins that I take, and my end result when my 30 days are over. Even though I practice intermittent fasting, sugar is always the hardest for me.
You never realize how addicted you are until you can't have ice cream. It will make me crazy for a few days to the point that my husband will insist I have a cookie. It goes to show you how nuts I get.
It's always a good idea to get medical advice when trying anything like this out for the first time but who really needs sugar? For me, it just makes me want to eat more and makes me gain weight. If you have menopause, sugar is what the body craves to replace estrogen > Info. For some reason, the body thinks it's the same but the only thing it does is give women a belly with body fat.
Menopausal Symptoms
There are so many different ways to detox and it seems to be a common thing in so many countries, and fasting seems to be the number one way to detox the liver. Traditional Chinese Medicine diet guidelines recommend bitter, sour, and pungent foods that are beneficial for weight loss and detox.
When I Need a Detox
I always know when I need a detox because I have weight gain and then mood swings with my brain power on the low but let's just say the chronic fatigue has set in where I just feel tired all the time. The biggest sign for me is my digestive tract is not as happy. This is when I know I'm on a toxic load.
January 1 - Start Date
My first week is the hardest and cravings are instant just because I can't have any sugar. So the first thing I do is fill up my water bottles so I can drink the water when I think about sugar. This is a little trick I do to trick my brain and eventually I will just want the water.
After the holidays is when I feel worse so I start every year on the 1st to get my good health back. It's the quickest way I have found for me to feel better.
Food Choices
To keep my Blood Sugar Levels in check, I will eat a well-rounded diet so my sugar cravings don't act up or want to eat everything in the house because I'm starving. The starving part is the first sign to me that my body is getting rid of the sugar. Let's face it, we can't starve in a day. The key to detoxing sugar is really to get back to normal and eat none processed food out of a box.
I will need to have the following to make my Detox successful:
- Healthy Fats: Extra virgin olive oil, Fatty fish, Seeds (chia, flax, hemp) anything with omega-3 fatty acids improve risk factors for heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and chronic inflammation.
- Protein is my friend and helps me not overeat. I eat lamb, lean meats, fish of any kind, chicken, and grass-fed and milk is my favorite. This is what makes us feel fuller for longer to preserve muscle mass and support bone health.
- Whole Foods: anything that was grown and plucked with nothing added to it. This is what whole food are, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains such as oats, brown rice and barley, nuts, beans, and protein.
- Healthy Snack: for me, that is nuts and berries just as simple as can be but sometimes I will just have a glass of milk with ice.
Vitamins & Teas During Detox
I take a list of dietary supplements regularly but during my Detox I will add a few others such as milk thistle and dandelion root tea. I also will drink 2 tablespoons of George's aloe vera Juice and lots of herbal tea of every kind with a lemon squeezed in every cup.
Create Good Habits
Creating good habits during this time will carry me over for the year. It takes 28 days to make a habit so it take 28 days to break a habit so they say. I have found it to be true for myself.
I will do the following to start each day:
- Wake up at the same time
- Go to sleep at the same time
- Schedule eating periods even if I am not hungry for lunch and dinner.
- Exercises regularly, at least 4 times a week
- Drink plenty of water
This is the time I drink plenty of water which is close to 2 liters a day. I have found during my detox of sugar that I get very thirsty and having plenty of glasses of water help with hunger and cleaning the liver.
Benefits from Detox
I only do this because of all the sugar that I have eaten during this time so I want to jump-start my body to work better. Some people say to do it a couple of times a year but I've only been doing it in January for the past 6 years.
These are the things I notice afterward:
- Reduce inflammation
- Great skin
- Lose weigh
- Sleep better
- I don't crave sugar!!!!!
- My brain function is sharper
- I'm not bloated
- Blood pressure goes down
I know there are lots of people out there that are vegan and vegetarian and may not agree with some of the stuff in my detox. So here it is, I too was a vegetarian in my 20ish to 34 years of age. Yes it was a long time ago and I did everything to control chronic pain but it was not until I had stem-cell did I understand the importance of protein for health and that nothing else can replace it. My life changed forever as so many of us say that had the treatment and today I am grateful for the treatment.
I hope you enjoyed this post and will join me on a journey of food from around the world with family and friends. See ya next time as my quest continues in search of the perfect bite!
Recipes I Make During My Detox
- Juice Green Apple & Spinach for Cold Press
- Healthy Green Smoothie from Key West
- Vegan Mango Smoothie for Inflammation {Florida}
- Weight Loss Grapefruit Juice
- 7 Day Detox Cabbage Soup
- Lebanese Meatball with Spinach Salad
- Creamy Tomato Soup Just like la Madeleine
- Avocado Salad from Washington DC
- Crepes Recipe Buckwheat Eggs & Kale
- Spicy Ham Recipe for Lettuce Wraps
- Italian Sausage Recipe {Low-Carb}
- Low-Carb Best French Meatloaf
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