I was very pleased with my Intermittent Fasting Results after 30 days. It is not a diet plan but more of an eating schedule resulting in weight loss.

Even though I followed a low-carb and protein diet for almost 95%, once I entered into perimenopause everything changed. That is the part that most people in the diet world do not talk about and I had no luck finding a doctor that understands women's hormones change on my insurance. I ended up paying for an expert.
I exercise 4 days a week for 45 minutes and walk almost every day.
Nothing worked for me, it’s amazing how quickly my weight gain happens so I was determined to find a solution! Especially after watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, which one isn’t perimenopause?? Come on ladies, they are all over 45 years old. The other thing I noticed was being in Europe, most women in that age group are not overweight and most don’t take hormone replacement. So what is it in America that makes women so heavy during that time of change? SUGAR!!!
SUGAR is my poison!!! Who would think, but thanks to my nutrition doctor and Dr Becky. I have been feeling better and starting to lose weight without giving up everything I love to eat! It’s straightforward, when estrogen is low, sugar cravings are high. That is what happens to me and yet I thought it was normal so I had a piece of chocolate cake, even if it was gluten-free, or a Dry Martini with extra olives. All leading to sugar. It's everywhere including in all our breads in America. French bread does not use sugar in the bread.
For my first 30 Day challenge for the year, I decided to speed up my weight loss with Intermittent fasting which has given me the best results. I have lost 5 pounds and cheated 1 day a week. This has never happened to me in the past 3 years unless I watched everything I ate to lose weight. NO FUN! Here is what happened to me while I did intermittent fasting.
Intermittent Fasting Benefits for Me
- Felt less foggy in my brain
- My skin feels great, not so dry!
- Less joint pain
- Weight loss
- My hot flashes were less or none
Intermittent Fasting Side Effects for Me
- Constantly thirsty, carrying water became a must
- Headache for the first few days
- Had an empty stomach in the morning
- More bowel movements during the day
- I craved apples during the day
The part that was the most interesting to me was the fasting period of 14 hours and sometimes 15 hours. I did not realize how many times I get a snack or nibble on something until these past 30 days. The longest I was able to go was 16 hours, anything longer was just going to make me sick. I’m sure not everyone is the same but for me, that was my limit. Most intermittent fasting articles recommend fasting for 16 hours and eating during the 8-hour window.
During my fasting state, I was asleep most of the time! So the only time I was not eating was 6 am to 10 am, and in the evening, I stopped eating at 7 pm. At first I did have 3 meals but by the end of the 1st week, I went down to two meals. I also still followed my Low-Carb diet with protein.
Some Notes from My Journal Each Week
Week 1
“I had such a headache today and I am hungry but I will make it if I go to bed early! Boy, do I feel thirsty! I just want to drink water.”
Week 2
“I’m starting to feel better with less of a headache. My thirst is just getting worse! Drink, Drink, Drink! I did notice by 5 o’clock I am really hungry, I wonder why?”
Week 3
“I’m losing weight! I can’t believe it. The part I noticed the most is NO bloating. I can’t explain it but I have not had any bloating while I have been on this eating schedule.
Week 4
“It’s official I lost 5 pounds in 30 days, which is about 1 pound a week. I think if I did not have a cheat day I would have lost more.”
So I decided to continue until I achieved my goal weight because of my Degenerative Spine Disease, and doctor orders from my last visit. I am overweight for my condition and most people would think I am at a normal weight but not for me. Weight is the biggest issue for joint and spine issues, not to mention menopause. As difficult as it is to suffer from chronic back pain, my main focus is controlling it to a management level.
My Menopause Recipes
The biggest wake-up call during these last 30 days was when I made a dessert with powdered sugar. I had a few pieces to taste and after 2 hours I was in horrible pain. I could feel it just getting worse. This left me to think, is there more to this with insulin levels changing rapidly with people who have chronic disease? Another fact that became obvious to me, was it tasted so sweet. My taste buds were also changing with everything I was eating.
I hope you enjoyed this post as I continue to find a healthy way of living, my journey with menopause continues! Till next time my beautiful friends!
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