Fall Vegetables can be found in abundance this time of year. The best pumpkins and apples are filled in crates with so much more at the Farmers Market. We went to Spicknall's Farm Market on this beautiful day.

I always try to buy my vegetables on a road trip by a farm stand. Vegetables are always so much cheaper and tasty. So this weekend I decided to drive a little further out of the city to find some Fall Vegetables on a farm with a farm stand.

Yes it is true, eating healthy is a lot of work and finding good healthy foods that are not shipped 1000 miles away and have already lost some of their nutrient is half the battle. That is why I found myself a farm that would give me good Fall Vegetables.
This truly is the meaning of "Farm to Table", which ends up on my table instead of a restaurant that charges me double. To eat right, I have made an investment of time to prepare my foods.
Time seems to be key to eating well. I make the time every Saturday morning when I venture out to buy my vegetables. Then I clean them, then chop and last but not least store them in containers so they will be ready to grab and cook. This takes me 3 hours, start to finish.
One of the things I have learn along the years is to buy seasonal to illuminate cost of my food bill. When strawberries aren't in season in the USA, they don't come home. Prices are usually higher for that reason.
What's in Season for October
Vegetables: chard, cauliflower, white cabbage, Savoy cabbage, chicory, onion, beet tops, bean, mushroom, endive, lettuce, potato, pea, leek, radicchio, horseradish, turnip, radish, celery, celeriac, spinach, Jerusalem artichokes, pumpkin.
Fruits: persimmon, chestnut, apple, pomegranate, fig, plum, grape, prickly pear, pineapple, winter cherry, banana.
Not only did we have a beautiful ride to the country side this day but we came back with tons of Fall Vegetables for the week. As we walked around the farm I noticed how many people stopped by for there vegtables. The farm was none stop of people getting there food.
Fall Vegetables at the Farmers Market
Today, we supported local farming but my bill was also considerable cheaper then the grocery store in my neighborhood. As food prices continue to increase and quality continues to get worse, lots of us have started to venture out for buying local and keeping American farms working.
Google has made finding a local farm stand easier. All I have to do is plug-in my search and off we go. I have tried a few farm stands while I've been living in Virginia but so far Spicknall's Farm Market. Till Next time!
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