My trip with the Tesla Model X Security Cameras was an adventure in to the future. I have been traveling on a job for the last few days. This is not something I usually share on my blog but it was such an experience that it felt like a trip to the final frontier of outer space.
I was asked to photograph and video the installation process of the Furiuos S8 security cameras on a new Tesla. I love technology but this is like everything coming together in perfect harmony. As we all know technology can be a pain sometimes just to do a simple task.
At a touch of a button, the doors open for you. The seats feel like a spaceship ready to take off but most of all it drives you. You no longer have to be responsible to get to your location. The back seat driver will no longer exists and soon to become obsolete. The nagging wife or husband that once said, "watch where your doing," will be able to hold hands and make out to rekindle the romance.
As I step into the drivers seat to drive the vehicle, I giggled with share delight like a kid at Disney World. It feels like a toy at first, until you feel the speed this car can do in 3 seconds. There is no sound and the noise is you breathing in the car. As I approach the stop sign to stop the car, it is so smoothed it feels like the perfect dance on Dancing with Star.
As I am flying back home on a plane, to then take the train from the airport, I stop to think how much fuel we use on just one flight. An average plane uses 925 gal/hr per flight. There are 37.4 million domestic flights per day.
- One car in the USA, will spend about $2,000 per year.
- There are 253 million cars in the United States alone.
- That would average out to $506,000,000,000 trillion for the oil companies just on filling your tank every week.
The Tesla - NONE!
Tesla Model X Security Cameras
I no longer own a car. Jeff has his vehicle and some weeks it just sits in it's parking space. We basically ride the train or down the street we go on the trolley. I forget how expensive it was filling up a car every month. It really made me appreciate what Tesla is doing for our environment but most of all what that battery power will mean for our future.
As I say good bye and watch the Tesla Model X drive off to the final frontiers like Star Trek, I know now things will be changing soon for us all. Just like Apple changed our lives.
"Live Long and Prosper" - Dr Spock
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